Day 2 – Who me, a pin-up?


Ok, so here is the deal, I won’t be posting everyday but I might, who knows. No, seriously I have no idea what I am doing here!

Anyway, it’s late and I am already starting to ramble…here is what happened today:

Got up, went to work, left work early (prearranged, I didn’t just skip out), went to the gym where I did my second P2P work-out and that is when it hit me…I am no pin-up! I am a guys girl, I am the one who tells really gross fart jokes (ya, my mom raised a classy lady over here), what the hell am I doing being anywhere near something girly? The gym is covered with beautiful photos of past P2P participants where 80% of them have pretty much zero on, while others are very modestly dressed. Either way the entire process is designed to have you thinking with one goal in mind – the photo shoot!

I am not those women and while yes their photos are seriously works of art, I can’t visualize myself up on the “wall of incredible achievement”! I want to be there but more importantly I want the picture to really reflect who I am. Jason (owner of Aspire) had suggested I do my pictures with my dogs and while yes they probably will squeak in there somehow I really want my picture to reflect the person I lost a long, long time ago…Fiona, the athlete. That doesn’t mean I will posing in a Jets jersey, I want to wear a tank top and have defined arms, a defined waist (I don’t need abs to feel like I succeeded) and damn it, I want smaller boobs (sorry ladies and gents but I do).

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Coach Brian Dobie and me

This feeling and break through happened because part of my job today was to go and interview the head coach of the Bison football team, Brian Dobie. A 100 moons ago I was a Bison athlete and it was a great time in my life, I was strong, healthy and I made a bunch of life long friends. Being surrounded by that same energy today was exactly what I needed to find my focus and inspiration. Thank work!

So to celebrate my new found focus, I splurged and bought locally grown organic strawberries from Cramptons and munched on them while watching Big Brother which was kind of a let down tonight but who cares – fresh strawberries baby and here’s to being an athlete (again)!

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